LinkedIn After Effects
Exam Type: | LinkedIn Skill Test |
Last Update | January, 2025 |
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After Effects linkedin learning
How can you create a direct relationship between two layer properties?
Use grouping.
Use the pick whip to enable Parenting.
Use Value Linking.
Use the pick whip to enable Connecting.
After Effects linkedin quiz
How can you create a single composition from multiple footage items?
Drag the selected footage items to the Create a New Composition button at the bottom of the Project panel.
Select the items and press Command+Shift+N (Ctrl+Shift+N).
Select the items and click Composition > New Composition from Selection.
Select the items and click Composition > New Composition.
After Effects linkedin answers
How can you create a single composition from multiple footage items?
Select the items and click File > New Project.
Select the items and click Composition > New Composition.
Select the items and click Composition > New Composition from Selection.
Drag the selected footage items to the Create a New Composition button at the bottom of the Project panel.
After Effects assessment linkedin answers
What is a null object?
a visible layer that can be parented to any layer in the composition
a special layer used to hold expressions
a solid layer with a black background that can be parented to any layer in the composition
an invisible layer that has all the properties of a visible layer so it can be parented to any layer in the composition
linkedin After Effects quiz answers
When your footage contains transparency, where is the transparency information stored?
opacity effect
alpha effect
source monitor
alpha channel
linkedin After Effects assessment
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